EXTREME Fish Nominations here...


Active Member
1. Largest - Grouper
2. Smallest - Neon Goby
3. Least Likely to Live - Moorish Idol
4. Hardest to Care For - see above
5. Most Ridiculous - Rhinopias
6. Rarest - Peppermint Angel
7. Most Boring - Yellow Tang
8. Most Exciting - Blacktip Reef Shark at feeding time
9. Most Beautiful - Multicolor Angel
10. Most Intelligent - Octopus
11. Worst Bite (that I've received) - Longhorned Cowfish; it drew blood
12. Worst Sting - Foxface; those thorns look awfully painful, and I almost was stung by mine several times when I had it
13. Least Understood - Sharks
14. Most Commonly Abused (TIE; for various reaons) - Tangs, Ocellaris Clownfish, Damsels, Sharks


I could be wrong but rarest for me would be the titan trigger as i have only seen one and it was online. I don't know if they're really rare but they are for me. also for most aggressive. i have a good pic. How do i post it?


i am sorry but u definately picked the wrong time to post because yur pic is right under Gasguzzlers dragon and it dosnt look too exciting now.


gas guzzler. that looks exactly like my dragon eel! what kind is it? how big is yours? is yours aggressive?



Originally posted by balashark21
rarest and most exiting and all the other good ones

I know our LFS has one on sale for $1800. So does that qualify to be the most expensive as well????


Active Member
Mikeeyy- I thought from your description in the other forum this is what you had. Mine is about 24" now and loves to eat things smaller than him. He doesnt eat things bigger than him, just attacks and mames.


1. Largest - Black Tip Reef Shark
2. Smallest - Barnacle Blenny
3. Least Likely to Live - Moorish Idol
4. Hardest to Care For - Moorish Idol
5. Most Ridiculous - Flounder
6. Rarest - Rhinopius
7. Most Boring - Damsels
8. Most Exciting - Puffers
9. Most Beautiful - Puffers
10. Most Intelligent - Puffers
11. Worst Bite - Triggers
12. Worst Sting - Stonefish
13. Least Understood - Lionfish
14. Most Commonly Abused - Siamese Fighting Fish/ Bettas


Active Member
id say the damsel is the most commonly abused
and fer me most interesting is sharks and rays i just like themm right now
and seahorses



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I was once in an LFS where the owner was showing me his new 8" Lionfish for his display tank when his Green Moray darted out of it's cave and swallowed it whole.
Any animal that can eat an 8" venomous pincushion has my respect.

as awful as it sounds it would have been awesome to see that!:scared:


Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
Lately, if you read the aggressive forum at all, I nominate the bamboo shark as "most commonly abused"!

:yes: I mean...:nope:


largest: Sharks and groupers
smallest: clown,neon gobies.
least likely 2 live: Butterfly fish
hardest 2 care 4: Banded Snake Eel
most ridculous:Spiny Devilfish
rarest: Tank bred Resplendent Angelfish Price $900.00
most boring:sea horses
most exciting: triggers at feeding time
most beautiful: Queen,Emperator,and the Blue Angel
most intellegent: Octopus
worst bite:Barracuda
worst sting: Man o war Jellyfish
least understood: mostly all fish
mst commonly abused: mostly all fish.


1. Largest - Blacktip Reef Shark
2. Smallest - dime-sized baby Blue Hippo Tangs
3. Least Likely to Live - Moorish Idol
4. Hardest to Care For - Moorish Idol
5. Most Ridiculous - Blue-ring Octopus
6. Rarest - Peppermint Angel
7. Most Boring - PJ cardinal
8. Most Exciting - Eel at feeding time; LMB
9. Most Beautiful - Juvenile Koran Angel (see avatar)
10. Most Intelligent - Koran Angel (smart as a whip)
11. Worst Bite - Blue-ring Octopus
12. Worst Sting - Urchin
13. Least Understood - Mandarins
14. Most Commonly Abused - Damsels


Active Member
is it possible to get a dragon sea horse at all?
:thinking: :thinking: :confused: :happyfish
tangs as most abused because of too small tank sizes


Active Member
is it possible to get a dragon sea horse at all?
:thinking: :thinking: :confused: :happyfish
tangs as most abused because of too small tank sizes