1. Largest - Grouper
2. Smallest - Neon Goby
3. Least Likely to Live - Moorish Idol
4. Hardest to Care For - see above
5. Most Ridiculous - Rhinopias
6. Rarest - Peppermint Angel
7. Most Boring - Yellow Tang
8. Most Exciting - Blacktip Reef Shark at feeding time
9. Most Beautiful - Multicolor Angel
10. Most Intelligent - Octopus
11. Worst Bite (that I've received) - Longhorned Cowfish; it drew blood
12. Worst Sting - Foxface; those thorns look awfully painful, and I almost was stung by mine several times when I had it
13. Least Understood - Sharks
14. Most Commonly Abused (TIE; for various reaons) - Tangs, Ocellaris Clownfish, Damsels, Sharks