Extreme Home Makeover


Active Member
My friend got picked for extreme make over! Last thursday, i believe, he got called out by ty and the crew. They are coming back thursday from the virgin islands. I drove by the house today, it looks AMAZING! they still dont have the siding up so they will probably be working all night. its 3 stories. Their house go destroyed by a flood (they give across the highway from a river) and i didnt even kno it happened. their teacher in elementary school sent in the video and they did even kno! its such a good story. my friend is 13 and he has 3 brothers in elementary school. im still shocked and again, wat a good story!


Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
My friend got picked for extreme make over! Last thursday, i believe, he got called out by ty and the crew. They are coming back thursday from the virgin islands. I drove by the house today, it looks AMAZING! they still dont have the siding up so they will probably be working all night. its 3 stories. Their house go destroyed by a flood (they give across the highway from a river) and i didnt even kno it happened. their teacher in elementary school sent in the video and they did even kno! its such a good story. my friend is 13 and he has 3 brothers in elementary school. im still shocked and again, wat a good story!
They did that around here on the little league feild that was distroyed by hurrican willma 2 years ago.they did a very nice job.


Active Member
Originally Posted by digitydash
They did that around here on the little league feild that was distroyed by hurrican willma 2 years ago.they did a very nice job.
cool this one is goin on tv sometime in january i think


Active Member
lucky ! i'm so happy for them! i wish someone would give ours an extreme makeover.that show always makes me cry let us know if you get a date when it will actually air so i can record it


Joe - try to get a front row seat on tv when they tape the homecoming! Then let us know when it'll be aired.


Active Member
They 'moved that bus!' today. it was at 2. my mom wouldnt let me get out of school to watch it. i think the kid will come back to school monday. im sure tommarow ill hear all about it. maybe this weekend we will be able to drive by it. yesterday we had to see it from the highway they blocked off that street and like 5 on each side of it. if u wanted to see you had to drive to a near by macy's and wait in line. then a bus drove you by the house. the buses stopped running at 8 and people who were in line since 4 just made it. i didnt go on the bus because the line was way too long but its in the paper everyday. its really exiciting!


Active Member
we are watching
every sunday like clockwork
ok on this weeks episode i found out that rey jr loves to eat , some little boy in town almost racked himself with a rake at the school ,and i want a zip line that thing was awesome !! tell rey jr i'll be coming over to play!! jk tell him congrats for us ok


Active Member
they did one of those houses a couple miles from here about a year ago. this lady was raising her 3 grandchildren because her daughter was a crackhead and they were living in a trailer that looked like it was duct taped together. they built a nice house and it took them about 5 days in the middle of the winter and rain. I drive by there all the time. it's still not in that great of a neighborhood though. people I work with kept running into Ty and the tv crowd that whole week at the bar and talked about he was plastered everytime they saw him. I think he actually doesn't spend much time on the site except about the beginning before the building starts and at the end when it's done. they get local builders and contractors to do the work for free, for the free advertisement and prestige of having built the tv house. and the tv sponsors, of course.