
I have a 100G FO tank, 4 1/2" clown trigger (definitely the dominator of the tank!) 3" huma huma trigger, 4 1/2" dwarf lion; theese fish are so aggressive towards new comers and towards themselves that I think I may have to start over!! The lion chases the huma huma, the clown chases the huma huma, the clown chases the lion. I recently tried to add a 6 1/2" majestic angel (after careful consideration and research, all of which said that this should work), the clown had shredded the angels fins, and two hours later I had to take the angel back to the LFS with shredded fins!! My question? Is there ANY fish I can add to this tank, or should I just start over!? :mad:
there is no fish you can add all these fish are already established and wont let anything invade there territory. you can probably try an eel.. that tank aint nothing i dare anyone to put there arm in my tank.


Are you serious? Even in a tank that size I would never combine those four fish. I think that it might be possible to keep the lion but only if you remove one of the triggers. The clown is obviously the most aggressive but you are probably attached to him, so i would take the Huma Huma back. (Don't mix triggers) If you have a LOT of hiding places you might consider adding some type of eel, they usually go ok with those type fish. Another possibility is some type of Wrasse; that is, if it is mean enough. I have a five inch Dragon Wrasse that gets along well with my 3 inch Clown, but notice the size difference. If you do add another fish, you will need to do it at night when the Clown is asleep and also make sure that you re-arrange the entire rock structure of the tank so the fish all have an equal opportunity to claim a home. Another possibility is the addition of a medium sized Grouper, such as a V-tail or something. They will grow quite large but they can hold their own against a trigger. So, if you ask me, get a lot of rock structure and you can have the Clown Trigger, the lion, a grouper and an eel. Others may say that that is too much; I don't know because I don't have a tank of that size but remember even a 100 gallon will be too small for those fish when they mature fully. Hope this helps. David


Add the fish at night, like the good ol' Army Rangers and Green Barets drop in at in the cloak of darkness.


If they are that aggressive I wouldn't even add a eel.eels can fall victom to fast aggressive fish like triggers that can really pick on a new eel.


berets are crap all they do is teach rebels how to fight try seals and marine recon now they now how to fight


you should maybe add a snowflake eel at least 8-10 in long..they are very nice to look at also agressive in itself, but needs rock to crawl into and hang out, a grouper is also a nice idea,panther would be my choice,they also need a lot of rock to lurk about.good luck...


IMO there is nothing you will be able to do to settle your fish down. They are all trying to be king of the tank, and this will lead to nothing but trouble. If I were you I would start trading them in and start over, I have seen this happen in a couple of other tanks and it never worked out. I would not try to add anymore fish, they will just kill it. Good Luck


I love to hear opinions, because I take it all in; and then make a decision. The tank can handle another fish as far as size is concerned, this tank is not overstocked. I have made those mistakes in the past, and learned my lessons! The triggers have lived together for two years now, and quite frankly, although the clown does grow fast, the huma has not grown at all! The lion is a dwarf, so he will not get very big at all! I liked the idea of a grouper; I believe I will try the grouper, although I'm sure I will have to wait a while to find one big enough! As far as starting over, I just can't, I am very attatched to my clown, even though I know he's mean (to other fish), he has got some personality!! BTW, if I could part with the lion I would add another large puffer, I had one in before, and the clown left him alone. The puffer did well with the triggers, but was accidentally stung by the lion and died.


New Member
i would try a snowflake eel or chainlink eel, but if i was u i would rather put in a orangetoad fish, they are great eaters, kinda aggresive (perfect for your tank) and mind there own buisness, so i would say GET A ORANGETOADFISH, ask ur fishstoreabout em, therrrrrr great!


Perhaps I missed this... but I must ask you. Did you buy your clown and humahuma as juviniles, or did you add them at different stages of their life? If not, then that could be part of your problem. I'm converting my 75gl reef to a 2 specimen aggressive tank.
I'm going for the clown trigger and a snowflake eel... perhaps one other fish, but I doubt it.


lionfish 44-I'm in blue ash myself. I do most of my shopping at a place called Wetpets over on Colerain. He is extremely knowledable...gets in good fish and knows a lot about them.
I have been to just about fish too. Got some mexican turbos there just last week!
What part of blue ash do you live in?


New Member
yeah, haveheard of wetpets, but i have never went there myself, i live in carpenters creek area, also called park hills, and you?


Hey Zackt, Actually the huma was in the tank first and was about the same size he is now, he has hardly grown at all! The clown was added within six months and was smaller then the huma, and is now three times the size. However, the triggers have lived together for 2 1/2 years, and really the clown chases the other fish but never does any damage, I think it is a "guess who's the boss" kinda thing. Here is how I fixed it! HA HA!! I took the clown out of the 100G, and put him in the sick tank (or the time out tank) for two days, then added a large sunset wrasse. After the two days I put the clown back in the 100G, and he acted as if the wrasse had always been there!! Fooled him!! He chases him to let him know whose boss, but did not thrash him like the angel. The wrasses name is Speedy, because even if the clown wanted to do him in, he's not fast enough. The tank is now complete! ;)


Hey lionfish...I'm in blue ash in sycamore trace. I see you are in carpenters creek pretty much in my backyard! I know a lot of people who live back there--nice area.
Wetpets is a great place to go to get information on your tank and fish. The owner, Nick is very knowledgable and knows what he is talking about. He also has some fantastic fish!! You should go there if you ever need some information or you need equipment info. He's good for that too!