Extremely cloudy water! HELP!!!


I just put southdown sand in one of my tanks last night. The water is very cloudy and has shown no improvement since yesterday. What do I do to clear it up? Should I leave the skimmer, powerheads, and millenium 3000 filters on or will they just stir things up more? No livestock is currently in the tank. Please help! I did rinse the sand first.


When I added my sand, I put a sponge filter in with the carbon cartride to act as more of a fine particle collector.
Since SD sand is so fine, it will probably take a couple of days to clear up. I didn't turn my powerheads back on until most of the sand had settled. I didn't have my skimmer on either. Just ran the filter. The biggest problem was that I needed to rearrange my live rock and everytime I picked up a piece when most of the sand had settled, it stirred it back up again. And then the sand would settle back on the live rock pieces...it was a vicious circle! :eek:


Active Member
If there is nothing in the tank I would turn the powerheads off but keep running the skimmer. Rinse any prefilter material or sponges you have.


mine took about 3-4 days to clear to where i could put my fish back in. just gotta sit back and wait. i turned off all of my powerheads and ran a whisper 4 filter on the back with some carbon and just kept rinsing out the filters when they got real full.

nm reef

Active Member
Be patient.........shut off the phs......and run the filters but clean the pads regular....it will settle..........