extremely high nitrate levels ???


New Member
OK so I have a 125 gallon tank with two canister filters (rena xp3 an d cascade 1500). hang on protein skimmer and a lot of LR (approx 125 lbs.) I have approx 2-3 inch sand base and all my levels are pretty much perfect except my nitrates wich looked to be about 100! I'm not sure what to do, i do water changes everyweek (10%) and I feed 1-2 times a day. I need to find out what is causeing the nitrates to be so high. I cleaned ou both canister filters and the power hears. Below is my bioload:
1 clown trigger
1 huma huma trigger
i bamboo shark
1 niger trigger
1 powder brown tang
5 chromis
1 blue fiji damsel
3 crabs
few snails


Staff member
Likely the canister filters causing the nitrates? What is your source water and what media do you have in the canisters?


New Member
I have one thing of carbon in one of the filters. Then just ceramic rings and sponges in all the other trays. How could if be my filters causeing the high nitrates? what can i do?
I use water from my lfs, either straight RO water if my salinity is high or premixed saltwater that they provide.


Active Member
I'd ramp up the amount of water you change out. 10% in a 125 is not enough, IMO. Even doing them once a week won't make much of an impact. I'd look in the range of 25-30 gallons every two weeks. I agree with the canister filters. Also, how much do you feed? I'd suggest a bigger clean up crew but the triggers pretty much preclude that. What kind of skimmer are you using.
Possible solutions; better skimming, cut back on feedings, higher volume of water changes, set up a fuge for nutrient export. In your type of system, nitrates are frequently a problem. While fish can tolerate higher concentrations of trates, keeping them in a reasonable range is preferred.


Mechanical filters trap food. Without cleaning-crew getting to the food, they will breakdown into nitrate. You are using live rocks, therefore, you can remove all those mechanical filters and sponges. Else, make sure to turn them off when feeding.
10% water change will bring your 100 ppm nitrate down to 90ppm.
Nicetry gave you good possible solutions.


Active Member
How is this stocklist:
1 clown trigger
1 huma huma trigger
i bamboo shark
1 niger trigger
1 powder brown tang
5 chromis
1 blue fiji damsel
3 crabs
few snails
the same as this stocklist:
clown trigger - marine
huma huma trigger - picasso
niger trigger - nig*er trigger
yellow tangs - platunia's (7)
green chromis - the entourage
passer angel - tiffany
bamboo shark - tony montana
powder brown tang - cappuccino
naso tang - robocop
firefish - alfalfa
crabs - speedy gonzalas
lunar (rainbow) wrasse - cocaine
greenberg wrasse - flipper
coral banded shrimp - cocktail
chocolate chip starfish - choc-chip
orange tipped batfish - batman
clown tang - stripes
blue hippo tang - baby blue
blue hippo tang - big blue
fiji blueDEVIL damsel - straight no chaser
The amount of fish you have is the reason why you have such high nitrates. Also, 10 percent water changes will not help a tank that has this many fish.
Besides all of this, a clown trigger and a shark are not compatible whatsoever. Sharks cannot be mixed with angels and triggers at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
How is this stocklist:
the same as this stocklist:
The amount of fish you have is the reason why you have such high nitrates. Also, 10 percent water changes will not help a tank that has this many fish.
Besides all of this, a clown trigger and a shark are not compatible whatsoever. Sharks cannot be mixed with angels and triggers at all.
OHHH, Busted...Good detective work Lion.


New Member
Lot's of those guys have died, but i just posted up their names in that other post. Thanks for your help though guys, i ended up getting my nitrates down.
My triggers and shark get along great, never had any problems. The only problems i have had with compatibility is yellos tangs and triggers. They always seem to tail swipe them, and then the trigger try and retaliate.