Extremely Loud Pump


I may have exagerated a little but the pump is very annoying, is their anything I can do short of buying a new pump. The pump is a Little Giant for my 210 gallon and was very expensive. It looks like I may just have to live with it.


Active Member
Two tricks that I've learned for quieting loud external pumps is to set them on a mousepad (making sure that they are firmly screwed to a hard surface below the mousepad) and to plumb at least 2" worth of soft tubing (either Spa Flex PVC or vinyl hose and hose barbs) on both the inlet and outlet sides of the pump.
Little Giant pumps are also notorious for being loud, so another trick would be to insulate the stand with eggcrate bedding material.


Those are great suggestions I gonna go and try to find an extra mousepad today. About the egg crate insulation is that the mattress egg crate material and do I insulate the back of the stand that is left open, because the pump said it needed a well ventalated area. Thanks alot for the help. I was worried there might not be anything to do.


Active Member
Yeah, the eggcrate mattress padding is what I was talking about (typically a yellow foam). I wouldn't place any of the material on the back of your stand; that would cause heat problems and starve your pump of air.


Active Member
i hung 2 pieces of shoelace from the inside top of my stand about 3" apart and slung it up there. that cut my vibration noise in half. i don't have your pump brand though, so i don't know.