Extremly Small Reefs


safely is an interesting choice of words... or word i guess. I've seen one that couldn't've been more than half a gallon. They kept a shroom or two and some polyps, as well as a cleaner shrimp and a baby percula.


DeMartini's pico is the smallest one I've ever seen pics of. Like she said, she wound up taking it down.
Pico reefs are high maintenance. I'm considering starting up a 3 gallon, but that's the smallest I'd suggest for upkeep reasons. If you are still considering building a pico, plan on messing with it at least three to four times a day.


i have a small 3 gallon picotope with some corals
its only problems are
adding water to keep up salinity
and temeratures going down but just get a good heater
other than that my tank has been really fun and easy to take care of
the other problem w/ small reefs are that there arre NO fish that should be in less than 5 gallons. if you only want zoos and rics, you can do it, but it will be hard