Eye cloud and ragged Fins


New Member
I has a magestic angel that is eating well but has eye cloud and ragged fins. Very active, no other symptoms. Any ideas on what may be causing this. 90 gallon tank. Water check appears to be fine, snails and cleaner shrimp are fine. Damsel on tank also fine. Thanks.


Originally Posted by thecol
I has a magestic angel that is eating well but has eye cloud and ragged fins. Very active, no other symptoms. Any ideas on what may be causing this. 90 gallon tank. Water check appears to be fine, snails and cleaner shrimp are fine. Damsel on tank also fine. Thanks.
Can you please post your exact water parameters for us? Please post your ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, SG, and temp readings. What have you been feeding the fish? What all fish do you have? Have you noticed the Damsel picking on the angel at all? How long have you had the angel?


New Member
Thanks for your response. I have had the Angel 3 or 4 weeks. Nitrate 40, nitite 0, ph 8.2, sp 1.021, ammonia .25, temperature 79. Symptoms have been there about a week. A time or two I wondered if the damsel was nipping, but then why the eye cloud. Have added a clown tang and powder blue since the symptoms appeared. They seem fine. He is swimming well and eating very well. Eats mysis and Marine Cuisine frozen soaked in Garlic Guard in morning and Omega One Marine pellets or Spectrum Marine Fish formula in the evening.


Active Member
There should be no ammonia in the tank, and this could be contributing to the problem. I would advise you to not add any more fish, particularly since one is not well. How long has the tank been set up? Is there live rock?


New Member
The tank has been up for 4 months. Plenty of live sand and live rock. I have been using Melafix and he seems to be doing better.


Originally Posted by thecol
Thanks for your response. I have had the Angel 3 or 4 weeks. Nitrate 40, nitite 0, ph 8.2, sp 1.021, ammonia .25, temperature 79. Symptoms have been there about a week. A time or two I wondered if the damsel was nipping, but then why the eye cloud. Have added a clown tang and powder blue since the symptoms appeared. They seem fine. He is swimming well and eating very well. Eats mysis and Marine Cuisine frozen soaked in Garlic Guard in morning and Omega One Marine pellets or Spectrum Marine Fish formula in the evening.
If this tank has only been up for four months, then you have way too much of a bioload going on. What sized tank is this? You have ammonia which is a big problem, your rocks are no where near old enough to support an angel nor a tangs natural diet, let alone both at once. I am sorry if this seams harsh. Tangs and angels are naural grazzers. They need a tank with at LEAST 8-9 month old rock. You don't have enough growth for them to eat. Marine fish accept pellets and flakes but neither are actually good to have as part of the main diet. These fish come right from the ocean. They need meaty or vegetable food. Not processed garbage. Garlic Guard is a flavor additive. Crush your own garlic if you want the health benefits of garlic for your fish. All of these reasons are why your fishes eyes are cloudy. Poor nutrition and ammonia in the water. What size is your tank?