

My large clown trigger has bulging eyes for almost 6 months. I have tried everything including anitibiotics in varying doses. It seems every treatment makes them balloon further out and makes them worse. They then revert back to a "normal" state of protrusion which is still not good. They also appear to have a white haze that comes and goes. I have spent a fortune on medicine. PLEASE HELP (I have 3 other different types of triggers all of which appear normal).


I have been treating the popeye with variuos antibotics. I can't remember them all but most recently I put 3 bottles of ANTIBACTERIAL BIOSPHERES over 7 days. I have a 90 gallon tank.


Try using maracyn 1 and 2 together.I believe that is what I said Saltwater.Maybe we both posted around the same time.How are your water parameters and are you getting rid of all the medications in the water before you start another?