I have (2) Power compact retro kits. 2 bulb kits with 55w bulbs
Asking $65 each + Shipping
Each kit includes:
1- Ballast
2- reflectors (brand new)
2- socket's
1- Actinic bulb (6months burn)
1- 10k bulb (6months burn)
Everything is plug & play! I will get some pic's up in the morning.
I also have an IceCap 430 ballast that is wired with hardware(end caps & stand offs) to run 2x 110w VHO's. No bulbs $135 shipped
Asking $65 each + Shipping
Each kit includes:
1- Ballast
2- reflectors (brand new)
2- socket's
1- Actinic bulb (6months burn)
1- 10k bulb (6months burn)
Everything is plug & play! I will get some pic's up in the morning.
I also have an IceCap 430 ballast that is wired with hardware(end caps & stand offs) to run 2x 110w VHO's. No bulbs $135 shipped