Faces behind the post 2


Active Member
About 6 months or so ago we had a thread (the longest one I have ever seen on this board) where people could post pictures of themselves so everyone would get an idea of who we were talking to on an everyday basis. It was a great thread and Ryebread even put a link up with everyone's picture. I was looking at that the other day and many of the people who posted in that thread don't seem to post here and many new people have joined. I thought it would be cool if we did another "show us your face" thread so here goes - please join in. Here is me and Mrs. ATTML.


This was taken about two weeks ago at my college graduation :D . Now I'm off to Berkeley :). From left to right: My math instructor, my study partner, me, my boss.


Active Member
ok this is a SWF.com exclusive!!! :D Never posted my pic before! The first is me in the morning (after a shave so i look freshfaced and about 12).


Active Member
wohhhh that was big, sorry about that, just the way the webcam reels it out! Man I take the last post back, I dont look 12 I look 10!
And this is me whilst translating for my thesis and looking generally confused.....but slightly more intellectual with my glasses!


Here is my cheesy work portrait. I'm usually a little more relaxed than this.
Without the beard I look about 10 years old as well. Thank god for facial hair.


I'm in forensics, so lets hope nobody on this board has to trust me for anything...unless you are lawyers looking for a good expert to testify in court!
But I like the trustworthy thing....that's what I was going for!


Active Member
Ok... a couple pics...

Me holding my best friend's baby girl (no kids for me yet).

And me at the local Renaissance Festival a week or so ago. The guy on the right is one of the people that works at the faire.
This is the pic of me I posted on the last thread of members pics.
Here I am again, my 12 gallon nano is behind me.


Active Member
See I told you that you are a punk kid. :D You do look a little on the young side. Of course so does Rye. In fact all of you are making me feel old.
No pictures of me at work, but here is one of my kids that I like. If they only got along like this all of the time.......


Active Member
lol punk kid.....yeh i noticed you havent emailed me back since calling me that!!
Im 19, so no wrinkles yet, and yes i think my webcam does make me look younger.....but you know you are all jealous of my youth :)
Anyone else think Kipass4130 and Attml are long lost twins....! :D


Active Member
You get a double shot of me on Rye's site. The thumbnail is different than the enlarged pic...so, here's a different one all together. This is my wife and I last October, the night I proposed to her.


Active Member
awww man thats sweet! its really nice seeing all the couples i think, you know what they say, behind every great man.....i hope that is a universal saying and not an english one, otherwise im going to have to explain!
Im trying to find one of me and my partner Sarah so we can seem just as cute!


Active Member

Originally posted by kgrimes
...Does your wife have some sort of vision disorder?

Yes........she has glass eyes. Lucky me. ;)