KGrimes--You must be referring to the beach pic. That was 2 or 3 years ago. Can't remember what beach we were on, but any beach vacation is a good one! Glad you liked the pic! I don't even recall what thread that pic is on. Something in the photography forum I think.
Glad you picked a memorable day to start your reef tank. It will be hard to forget your start up day! I knew there was a good reason to be smiling that day!
Jim--I look like a KID????? LOLOLOL!

My youngest is in massotherapy school, eldest just graduated college a few weeks ago. She chose nursing just as I did so long ago.
Tim--thanks for the compliment. I actually lost almost a foot of hair in the weed wacker a few summers ago. I have learned since then to keep it tied up tight when doing yard work! The pic on Rye's site is also taken on a beach vacation not long ago. I had the same pic that is posted in this thread on the original one initially, but changed it at some point before Rye made his page of member photos.