my clown is fadeing in color at the top back. he /sne is the smallest of the two. its fin is almost missing on his back. he is sick :notsure: or what is it ICH:help:
Are they a mated pair? Have you seen any fussin' and fightin' between them? Very possible that it is sufferin' from stress and injury related to the clowns tryin' to establish dominance. Some times the weaker of the two will suffer to the point of death.:thinking:
when i got them they were a pair the same size. the one in the picture is have the size of the other. i taking the smaller one is the femal:notsure: they get along great
Can you post some close up pictures? Also, plost a picture of the other clown.
How is the fish doing besides this? Heavy breathing? Stressed? Is he eating? Swimming normally?
When did this develop and how long did it take to get to this state?
Have you noticed any skin pealing?
Ill get a better picture in the morning. he eats fine and has no problem swimming. i noticed it about 2 weeks ago.this is the only tank i have but getting a 135 Gal on the 27th. and dont want to put him in if he is sick. if i add some sand a live rock to the new one out of this tank to help it cycle will it infect it:notsure:
It was gradually it appears he has a scar above his eye so it may be a fight. You haven’t said if it was an infection or not I am concerned about that. Like I said right after Christmas I’m getting a 135 gal tank and don’t want to start off on the wrong fin
Is it getting worse or stable now? No, I don't think it was an infection, but I'm trying to ask questions so I can get more infomation. Did it just erode away, or did you ever notice a film covering that area? Has there been aggression in the tank?
When i feed them today I did not see him I'll look around tomm. Hope he is still there
I have not noticed any fighting in the tank. could another clown be added :notsure: and not be a loaner:thinking: I;ll keep you up to date hope he is still alive.:nervous: