Fading color


I am new at this. I have a 20 gallon tank with two damsels, three blue legged crabs, 1 starfish and a snail. One of the damsels, blue wiht a yellow tail, appears to have faded slightly. They both eat well. Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?


There is a product called Reef Solutions by Ecosystem. Your dealer should have it. It is basically a multi-vitamin for fish and inverts. One of it's qualities is that it restores the bright color to fish.


Is it being chased a lot by the other damsel? If so It may be feeling stressed which can cause it's color to fade. If this is the case the color will return soon when it's feeling more secure.
If your tank is still cycling it could be stressed from ammonia or nitrite levels being high. Should be ok after the cycle is done.


Active Member
another question, does it seem faded, after you turn on the lights?, but get better after time, if so , damsels seem to fade in color, in the dark, naturally
and what are your water parameters?
the fish is prolly just stressed, i would reduce the lighting and let it chill for a day or 2. No need to waste your $ on chems if your water quality is good.