Fairy Wrasse


I'm looking to add another fish to my tank and was looking at a fairy wrasse. Anyone have one or have kept one before?


Active Member
What size tank? Tank mates? I've kept a few of them and have one now. Nice fish in the right set-up. In the wild they form harems of a single male and a few to several females. Males are often more brightly colored.
They spook easily and it doesn't take much to make them jump so a covered tank is a must. Some don't ship well, but once acclimated they are a pretty sturdy fish. Mostly meaty foods, pellets and occassional flake.
What species were you considering?


55 gallon tank with about 60 pounds live rock. The current tank mates are a blue spotted puffer (3 inches long), a yellow tang (3 inches long), and a coral beauty angelfish (2 inches long). Plus some miscellaneous inverts like a pencil urchin, emerald crabs, peppermint shrimp, snails, and miscellaneous hermits.