Fake Decor in QT?


Active Member
So I know not to put any sand or live rock in my QT tank, but would fake decor be ok, along with some PVC for the critters to hide.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
it will work but imo it looks tacky and causes algae, PVC is ok
Does the algae stick to the PVC?


Active Member
Well, I can do what I do with my freshwater tank, take fake decor or PVC pipe out and scrub it every once in a while.


New Member
Sharkboy, even in a QT your fish need some kind of Structure.
Mine has a nice piece of fake coral in it. Does not look bad!
Azfishgal your QT should have the back and sides blacked out either painted
or with with a black or blue background.Remember your fish travel a great
distance to get to you. They are stressed and need time to adjust. No
Substrate at all. You want to be able to control your bacteria growth. You
should use a simple power filter with a carbon cartridge. You should also
fill your QT with water right from your Display tank. Whats better then
water right from the source.
I would also recomend a Freshwater Dip before putting them in the QT.
Take a brand new bucket. Fill it with Fresh RO water.Make sure its is the
same temp and PH as your tank. I also use Methyblue in the bucket. It will
turn the water royal blue, it will help kill Ich and Flukes. Methylene Blue is
for Fish only....Not for Invertebrates. Carefully put your fish in the bucket
anywhere for 30 seconds to 3 mins. They may act really stressed..this is
ok. Its not hurting them. Once in the QT they will be fine.
Leave the Fish in the QT for atleast 2 weeks. If all looks good..Transfer
them into your display tank.


New Member
Also..azfishgal...Do you leave your QT running all the time? Even when
there are no fish in QT. There is no need for this. I never leave mine
running. I QT the new fish. Once they are fine and go into the Display
tank. I empty the QT tank. Clean it out and its sits till the next time.
There should be no time for any algae to bloom....
Always use water right from your Display tank. When filling your QT.
I learned that from Robert Fenner...he wrote The Conscientous Marine
Aquarist. If you dont have this book...I highly recomend it.


Active Member
Thanks Nynex for the tips. I just got a 12 gallon Cube Master for my QT, so I should use the carbon that came with it? Was thinking I don't use carbon just in case I need to medicate. But I do like the freshwater dip, as that's one of the things I read in the book you talked about. (Great book!) I agree, using your display tank water is smart, but in my case both tanks are brand new. Husband is working on the stand now and we should have the main tank (125 gallon) up and running in a week or two. So I need to cycle both tanks. Should I just wait until my main tank has cycled and then use that water? I will be adding lr and ls to my main tank and someone told me to use some uncured rock as that will help it cycle. True? I guess it would be better to wait to cycle my main tank first, than trying to cycle the nano tank on it's own with a raw shrimp. My whole thinking was to get the Nano tank up and running, so by the time I'm setting up my main tank, I can get my first tenants and they will be settling in the QT while my main tank is cycling.


New Member
I wouldnt use uncured rock. I would only use cured live rock.
I would highly recomend using a product from Seachem called
Stability. This is a very pure form of benifical bacteria and
believe it or not will cycle your tank in under 2 weeks. I also
use it when I add new fish and durring water changes. I use
it with both my Reef tank and Freshwater tank.
You should wait till your Display tank fully cycles, then when
you are ready to get some livestock. Set your QT up. Once
again no need to cycle your QT tank. Wait for the Display
tank to be ready. Use water from that. Also in your QT make
sure to add a some fake coral or some kind of Structure.
I never would ever recomend *****. But they do have some really
nice real looking fake coral for a good price. Its not the rubber flimsy
stuff. For about $20 you can get a nice piece for the QT tank.
Everywhere else the same type of fake coral would be about $30
to $40...
Also the best price by far for Stability is Petsmart. $7.50 for 250ml
The LFS and specialty saltwater stores all jack the price up on this
to over $15.00