Fake plants


Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else uses any fake plants i was orginals going to have a FO tank and the after hearing all the wonderful things about LR added a small amount my question if does anyone else use fake plants my tank has been up are running with the fake ( silk i believe) plants for 3 months and they are covered in brown algea. I haven't gotten any snails yet was planning on it but then found out that my choc chip may eat them. Any ideas ? heres a pic of the plants.


You can either boil them or put them in the sun for a day and that will kill the algae. I couldn't help but notice your mirror smooth water surface. Do you have any powerheads for surface agitation in your tank??


no i only have a flugal 204 i thought it would cause alot more water flow than it does, i plan on getting one of those small powerheads with the turning heads with my next pay check, do you recommend it even though it is only a FOWLR tanks? thanx. I'll try to take another pic tommorw of the full tank when the light if back on ( its on a timer and i dont want to disturb my fishies)


you can see int inlet and outlet things of the flugal in the back of the second pic, should i adust the where the water flow comes out so that it hits the top of the water ?


Surface agitation is how your tank water gets oxygenated!! Contrary to popular belief, it is not air bubbles, well unless the airbubbles cause surface agitation.:)
Do whatever you have to to get that surface moving!! If that Flugal is all you have for now, then yes by all means, adjust it!! As rippley as you can get it, that's your goal!!


I'll do that until i get something else thanx. Should i get a powerhead or would i skimmer be better


First off, I think you mean Fluval, not Flugal. I've got a 304 in mind. You can adjust the tubing so that the output is much closer to the water surface, that should help to start with.
I'd definitely suggest adding a powerhead. I tried one of the ZooMed Powersweeps (the ones that rotate) and returned it the next day because it kept getting stuck. From other postings, it sounds like people are hit or miss whether or not they like them or not. A regular powerhead is cheaper too. :D
Ideally, you would have both a powerhead and a protein skimmer.

gun freak

Get you a MAXI-JET 1200 those are great :jumping: the best !!! I have a marineland 280 , agua c with a maxi-jet 1200 and then another maxi-jet 1200 pointed almost at the top :jumping: ....:yes:
Oh... it's for a 29 gal !!!


Active Member
I wouldnt get the rotating powerheads there not suppose to be very good and will break over time. I would suggest maxi jet they seem to be very good with less moving parts mean less to break.