Falco hawkfish, Info please before purchase

a sea k

I would like to add a Falco hawkfish to my system and would like other recommendations and advice from folks that have experience with this fish.
210gal up and running for 6 months, Current tankmates;
1) Hectori goby
1) LMB
1) Randalls shrimpgoby
3) Carpenters flasher wrasse, had 4 but lost one to a surfing incident.(went right thru the eggcrate!)
1) Radiant wrasse
1) Orchid dottyback
2) Perc. clown w/Seabae nem
1) Magnificent foxface


Active Member
I had one in my 90 gallon. It chased my Diamond Goby all over the tank. The thing is though, my hawkfish was in the tank before my goby so if the goby goes in before the hawk and gets established then you might be ok

a sea k

I finally found some info on this critter and most of the feedback was pretty negative so I'm going to pass on this one.