Falling power heads?!


How do you keep the power heads from falling off the glass?
It seems the three suction cups used eventually go bad and dont hold any suction anymore.. and i wake up to a super sand storm!
How can i avoid this?


Active Member
Most powerheads come with a clip of some sort to attach them to the rim of the tank. that would work. Also, you can try cleaning the suction cups in a VERY light bleach solution or vinegar solution.


over time the rubber will decompose in the saltwater. this will reduce the flexibility and "stretchy-ness" of the cups, so they wont hold the suction seal... theres nothing you can do to stop it, so just try to find a way to help support the powerhead or try to replace the cups...


Active Member
I feel your pain... having 5 in my 110g I'm constantly battling them. The clips do not work for me because of the tank design so all I have found to do it keep the glass clean, soak the suction cups in vinegar when you clean the powerhead and replace them every so often.
One other option is using a small amount of silicone in the suction cup... I don't like doing this but it will work.


Active Member
mine dont stick anymore but they hang off the tank and just dont fall
like the cord comes from near the ground, over the lip of the tank, and just kinda hang there

salty tank

Originally Posted by ReefNut
I feel your pain... having 5 in my 110g I'm constantly battling them. The clips do not work for me because of the tank design so all I have found to do it keep the glass clean, soak the suction cups in vinegar when you clean the powerhead and replace them every so often.
One other option is using a small amount of silicone in the suction cup... I don't like doing this but it will work.

How do you clean your powerhead? i just scrub mine with a tooth brush really quick. Is there a better way that will make them last longer?


Active Member
I clean mine by removing them every so often, taking them apart and soaking them in vinegar. It doesn't do good for the coralline growing on them but it gets the gunk out of them and gets the impellers turning good again.


you can buy replacement suction cups from most LFS's but if that gets to exspensive you can rig up some fishing line on the PH and get some washers and tie the string through them and hang them over the side and sucure it between the canapy or hood


Active Member
I was having that problem a few weeks ago, every day I'd come home from work and find one of my powerheads had fallen (no sand storm though, thank goodness). Very annoying. I ended up cleaning the suction cups, all that stuff. What finally worked for me was to take the clip holding the suction cups off and turn it around, end over end so that 2 cups are on the top, 1 on the bottom. Since then, so far, it's stayed put. :joy:
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I just make sure the power cord is tight enough to hold them in place.
I hope you do so with a drip loop in place! :scared:


Active Member
I had problems with suction cups too. All I did was to replace them. I keep my powerheads clipped to the side of the tank, don't even need suction cups. I use the suction cups for my heater and water return pipe from the canister filter. :happyfish