False Clownfish, Ocellaris - sick or breeding?


We have a pair of False Clownfish, Ocellaris. The larger one is not doing well. We have had them for approx. 4 months now. Last Saturday we noticed what can be only described as white stringy poop that on occasion has what "looks like" eggs. It doesn't fall off easily and after a few hours and 2-3" later it finally does, just to start the whole process again. (ya, disgusting). She was eating well until last Tuesday, she has NOT eaten since. She is NOT as active when the lights are on like in the past (swimming from tanks side to side). Most of the time she is at the bottom of the tank and staying in one are. At night she goes to the same tank corner, puts her head against the front of the glass, buries herself and leans to her right - up against the side glass of the aquarium (as to prop herself up). Our other Ocellaris (smaller) sleeps on/beside her at night.
We know her situation is not good. Is it possible she is egg bound? or does this seem like something else?
her tank mates include (all of these guys seem to be fine), 1 smaller False Clownfish Ocellaris, 3 chromis, 1 yellow tail damsel, 1 carpenter red fin flasher wrasse, midas blenny and misc clean-up crew etc.
We have never witnessed others picking on her and don't see any marks or torn fins.
Water parameters:
temp. 79*
sg 1.026
ph 8.15
ammonia - 0
nitrItes - 0
nitrAtes <5
dkh -9
calc - 440
mag - 1380
phos - 0


Thanks for the reply. I'm going to loose the fish due to my response time, I know better. She should of been in quarantine the day she would not eat. she's in the corner again and almost horizontal at times. Shes a bit puffy, but in the face/head area, nothing like the picture in the thread you linked. Since I did NOT act quickly enough, im wondering - how many more will we loose.


Hello, I have had the exact same problem with my fp clowns, it has always been with the female...and they do die...I am not sure what it is, I have tryed to treat them with internal parasite medication but to no avial....It is unfortunate, but from what I have seen it doesnt cross over easily...so you should be ok...sorry for you loses It sucks....