false clowns not getting along


New Member
I have two false clowns. both are juveniles and I got them at the same time about 4 months ago. They are only about 1 1/4 inch. They used to hang out together all the time, and huddle in the corner and sleep at night. About a week about one started running off the other and when it would come out of the rocks the other would chase, and run into the other. So the other now stays in the rocks all the time. Is this normal behavior? They are in a 29g biocube if that matters and share it with a pajama cardinal and royal gramma. All other fish get along great.

bang guy

I assume you mean Ocellaris Clownfish.
They may be maturing and one is asserting its dominance over the other. They'll probably do this for a few months.
There is a slight chance that the dominant Clownfish has become female and has rejected her tank mate as a partner. If that is the case she'll not hurt him but she is not going to allow him near her nesting spot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I assume you mean Ocellaris Clownfish.
Thank you!!!! I'd say more, but I hear my false cat barking, she must be guarding sunflower seed by chasing false muskrats away from the false bat feeders.