False perc beating the crap out of my fire fish


As some of you have read on a previous post, last week I had two false percs. The larger one was whooping on the smaller one big time. I finally separated them and returned the bigger when I decided that the smaller one would not survive much longer. The smaller one bounced back pretty quickly. Now, the recovered false perc is beating up on my firefish.
. All of the tail fins on the firefish are gone. I know that the clowns are territorial but come on!!! My luck with clowns isn't great. The firefish use to always be out during the day. Now I am lucky if I see it out during feeding time


Active Member
I haven't seen your other posts, so I am assuming this is on your 24g tank? This is what your profile says.
Clowns can, and will be, extremely mean to fish they see as lower to them.....pretty much any fish that is smaller than them. Can you seperate the two? Maybe change the landscape in the tank to make the clown have to scope out a new roost, and the firefish as well? I truely feel your pain, I have a cinnamon clown that is terrible to anything new that is added to the tank.....I have a 125g!!! I mean anything...from snail, shrimp, or crab. This fish is a beast.


Originally Posted by crabsrkewl
Try dipping both fish in a mix of vinegar and lye for 3 hours.
What will that do????
The firefish has quite a few places to hide. Lots of rock work. It doesn't get bothered unless it comes out. It is a 24 aquapod.