False Perc w/Pale Coloration, White spots...


New Member
I have a false perc that I placed in my display tank about 3 weeks ago. After 3 days in the tank I came home and found it breathing heavy at the top of the tank and moving very sluggish. I did a 15% water change and it seemed to help the fish out. I checked my parameters prior to the water change and everything was where it should be. No problems for almost 3 weeks until this morning. The fish is eating normal, active, and no labored breathing, but it looks like it has lost some coloration on the body. The colors are not as solid that a pale white look to them. It has a few smaller than salt grain size white spots. The fins have milky white splotches on them where the fin is normally transparent. The tank is over five months old and I only have a mandarin, watchman goby, and false perc. None of the other fish have any signs of sickness. They also have been in the tank longer than the false perc. Any suggestions or treatments.


Active Member
Have you added anything from the LFS lately. This time of years there is lots of cases of Brooklynella, and expecially in Clowns. If it is Brook then it usually kills very quickly ( within 2 or 3 days from first symptoms). The thread on the top of the page explains Brook and the proper way to treat it. HTH


That sounds like oodininium. It appears to be very small spots (smaller than ick) and attacks the fish's gills and soft tissue such as fins. It can also cause secondary infections such as fin rot.
If you don't have any inverts without exoskeletons such as anemones and corals, go with Coppersafe or use a QT. If it is oodinium it will eventually spread to your other fish. I'd also treat it with antibiotics such as Maracyn.
I'd post a pic to be sure.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. I have tried to take some pics but you can not really tell anything from them. I originally thought it might be ich. I went ahead started a kick-ich treatment. The symptoms seem to come and go. I also am feeding it garlic, vitamin c, and some zoe in the food and adding some seaweed and brine shrimp to the diet. The fish is looking better today the fin and tails have become more transparent. It actually just started being hosted by my anemone and eating very well. So no copper with the anemone. None of the other fish have any signs or symptoms but that is my biggest fear is if I place another fish in there a month from now it will get sick. I was thinking of doing a freshwater dip and then quarantine the fish for a couple of weeks. The oodinium seems to be the closest description. LFS thought maybe brookenylea. They had given me some type of treatment that takes care of brookenylea though. I think it was called cyropinapure not sure on the spelling. Used it prior to the kick-ich after water change and a couple of days of carbon and protein skimming.