false percs and my bta


I have recently purchased a bta (~1 a week ago). My false percs still haven't given it the light of day
... does anyone have any comments on how fast or long it could take for my clowns to host?


i also purchased my 1st enemone 1 week ago and my percs just stop stare and keep going on their merry way... they dotn really care for it :(


You have a 50/50 chance that the anemone will host the clowns. Some dive right in, some takes a week or months and some never. It all depends on the clowns. Also if the clowns are tank raised , it will usually take a bit longer since they probably haven't seen an anemone until we put them together. Good luck Just my .02
I had the same problem and read a couple of threads on here that led me to cutting out a picture of a clownfish hosting an anemone and taping to the glass where mine could see it. My clowns would swim up to the picture and flex their dorsal fins in an aggressive manner as a warning to stay back. Within that very day they were all over, in and under the anemone. Can't prove or disprove the picture thing just telling you what happened when I tried it.
That is the only thing about ocellaris clowns... they are mostly tank bred and do not require an anemone. Even if the anemone accepts the clown, he may not be interested in hosting at all. I hope it all works out for you either way!


i think i'm ready to try the picture thing ... it's been about 3 weeks now and my clowns still couldn't be bothered with my bta

Although, I can't blame them really, by bta has moved into a corner of my tank...
keeping my fingers crossed.
Originally Posted by chris0799
is there a certain spot u have to put the picture?
I taped the pic close to where the anemone was and the clowns found the pic really quick. My clowns were aquacultured and had never seen an anemone. As I stated above I can't say the pic worked but I can't say it didn't either.


FINALLY ... after 6 months and practically giving up hope ... we have contact
. My clowns have discovered my bta... and they can't get enough (and neither can I actually) ... it's pretty cool to watch. At night the female sleeps in it all wrapped up like a blanket.
The bigger female is being territorial now with the other fish ... and the male clown! She wants the bta to herself. I can't really see any eggs but, could the have mated ... she's reallt charging at any other fish that come close?

It doesn't sound like they are a mated pair yet. They have probably bonded. The female will be hard on the male but will usually begin to accept him and let him in the anemone. When they mate she will guard the home and he will guard the eggs. Sounds like they are heading in the right direction it just takes time.