Family Coming Over! Want To Add Just One Or Two Fish


I have a 115 g 5foot FOWLR. with a SFE, VOLITANS, & LUNARE WRASSE.
what other fish could I put in there.
my tank looks really plain right now. with the snowflake hiding under the rocks and the lionfish behind them. its a pretty boring sight. and i'm having family over from mexico and i want it to look a little more lively.
i was thinking on getting a sort of angelfish or a tang.
any suggestions


A couple Heniochus Butterflies would be a cool addition, though they are just black and white, if you want some cool colors, see if your LFS has any large Anthias... so your Lion can't eat them... However, more than likely, any new fish you get will be hiding/inactive for a couple days.


what about a red sea regal angel or a majestic angel those are cool a large dogface puffer would add some motion


Originally Posted by surfinusa
what about a red sea regal angel or a majestic angel those are cool a large dogface puffer would add some motion
i only have 65 dollars to work with.
so is that a BIG NO on the tang?


Active Member
well not even koles really, my grandma got me a kole tang about two days after christmas, he died by january of stress from little swimming room


You could maybe get a yellow tang IMO. People have kept them in smaller tanks. And not to be rude or anything but i dont think stress alone could kill a kole tang in such a short time period. I think if it didnt get HLLE or ich or something it died of some other problem. Maybe improper collection. But a kole tang could def work in a 5' tank


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
well not even koles really, my grandma got me a kole tang about two days after christmas, he died by january of stress from little swimming room
It would take several months to years for a tang to die of stress in a 70 gallon. I would look into other reasons for your fish dieing.


Originally Posted by rara12
You could maybe get a yellow tang IMO. People have kept them in smaller tanks.
I have to disagree. Yellow tangs are among the most active fish out there, they are so popular for their vibrant colors and misinformation, that is why people keep them in such small tanks.


Active Member
You have a volitan! That's all the impressive factor you need.
Get yourself a couple feeder guppies. Your family (unless they themselves are saltwater fishkeepers) isn't going to be nearly as impressed by a new fish as they would be to see your volitan chase down and ambush a feeder guppy.
Of course I'll add the disclaimer that saltwater fish should never be fed a diet of freshwater fish, but a feeder guppy or two every now and then is not going to hurt anything.
I do that when family comes over... my family knows nothing about fish, so what would they know about a butterfly or a tang or an angel... but they know that watching one of your fish eating another fish alive is neat. Plus you can brag on how venemous they are and really get some wide eyes!
Besides... depending on how soon they are due to arrive, you'd have to skip quarantine, which is not a good idea.


thats another problem. even though i've done that before. my lunare wrasse picked on my volitans to the point where he is not as active anymore and hardly eats.
i could feed the fish to my wrasse since he's the first to get to it but it looks kind of graphic how he begins to shred it on the rock.
i'll think of something
so not even a powder blue?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
You have a volitan! That's all the impressive factor you need.
Get yourself a couple feeder guppies. Your family (unless they themselves are saltwater fishkeepers) isn't going to be nearly as impressed by a new fish as they would be to see your volitan chase down and ambush a feeder guppy.
Of course I'll add the disclaimer that saltwater fish should never be fed a diet of freshwater fish, but a feeder guppy or two every now and then is not going to hurt anything.
I do that when family comes over... my family knows nothing about fish, so what would they know about a butterfly or a tang or an angel... but they know that watching one of your fish eating another fish alive is neat. Plus you can brag on how venemous they are and really get some wide eyes!
Besides... depending on how soon they are due to arrive, you'd have to skip quarantine, which is not a good idea.

I have a Kole tang in a 90 gallon that's 48" and he is fine with plenty of swim room. A yellow tang would have been fine also. Not a powder blue or any of the really big ones. Or maybe no tang at all since not QT'ing one would not be a good idea. I am for the guppy thing or some other live food. IMO if you are just wanting to get something to impress family (most of us do) then I would have planned it out more in advance rather then rushing things and maybe cause a disaster or some other issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
It would take several months to years for a tang to die of stress in a 70 gallon. I would look into other reasons for your fish dieing.
i agree. I brought a kole back to health from bad lfs treatment and is LOVING life in my 75.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HatesSushi

I have a Kole tang in a 90 gallon that's 48" and he is fine with plenty of swim room. A yellow tang would have been fine also. Not a powder blue or any of the really big ones. Or maybe no tang at all since not QT'ing one would not be a good idea. I am for the guppy thing or some other live food. IMO if you are just wanting to get something to impress family (most of us do) then I would have planned it out more in advance rather then rushing things and maybe cause a disaster or some other issue.
gah, how often do family even give more than an hr's notice... But yea, its probably too late to get something new for the tank. Grab some chromis or something for the lion to eat :)


Active Member
IMO any of the Thalassoma wrasses are too active for tanks with lions. I know this from experience as I had this combination before and it wasn't good. The wrasses are such aggressive eaters and so incredibly fast that the lionfish almost never gets any good hunks of food. Unless you have a very large tank to where you can feed them on separate ends of the system, it is difficult.
If you are feeding your lion frozen food then you might be surprised at how well he goes for live. Again, this shouldn't be any reason to start feeding live food all of the time though. Be sure to distract the wrasse on the other side of the tank with something to let the Lion do his thing.
No on the powder blue. A Hippo or Kole are the only ones I'd try, but many would say no tangs at all.