Family Coming Over! Want To Add Just One Or Two Fish


Active Member
Hey one other thought... have you considered a trigger?
You didn't mention any inverts... as long as you don't have any crabs, etc, then one would work in this tank.
Perhaps a Niger, Bluethroat, or Assassi. All are somewhat mild mannered, though all can turn incredibly aggressive in virtually an instant, so they do require some diligence.
Do not consider the Clown, Undulated, Huma, Queen, or Titan. All are very aggressive and/or large.


i had a humu humu before and he killed all of my fish. had to get rid of him. traded him for 8dollars of lfs credit. he was a really cool fish.
how about a harlequin tuskfish.
i had one but like i said my piccasso killed him.
the owner of my fav lfs goes to LA to personally pick out his livestock and was going to tell him if he could bring me back a harlequin tuskfish.
would one work?


Active Member
I really don't suggest the lunare wrasse. Hit or miss on attitude, and can just cause all sorts of trouble.


Lunare. Wrasses. Are. The. Devil.
I'd get rid of that SOB. I'm getting rid of mine the split SECOND my tank is done with the hyposalinity treatment. He is a



no no no no no
2 wrasse are a bad idea
wrasse #1 will have a problem with wrasse #2 if wrasse #1 cannot be THEE wrasse
unless its an exception such as a pair of bird wrasses