FAn on sump???


i need to lower my water temp a few degrees and i have been told that one easy way is to put a clip on fan over the surface of the tank, but the guy at the LFS said i could also aim the fan at the sump and it would work just as well. BS or not.


Originally Posted by LAXplaya
i need to lower my water temp a few degrees and i have been told that one easy way is to put a clip on fan over the surface of the tank, but the guy at the LFS said i could also aim the fan at the sump and it would work just as well. BS or not.
While probably not complete BS, I don't think it would work "Just as well", due mainly to the fact that there's undoubtedly much less water surface for the fan to blow over, and if the sump is in an enclosed area like the tank stand, less air circulation.
I would speculate that a fan on the sump would help keep temperatures down along with a fan on the tank ... but not in lieu of.


Active Member
yeah, you may want to try the fan across the sump first then if its not going down then do a clip on on the DT


Active Member
I have a fan on my sump but a word of caution. The fan can lower your temp so make sure you have a heater running as well to keep your temp as constant as you can.


Active Member
Definitely not BS. Fan's will cool your water as long as you aim them at the surface to create evaportion. My fan's lowered my tank temp 4 degrees. My clip on fan is connected to the same power strip as my MH's, as this is the only time I really have a need to run it. I have computer fan's in my canopy that run on same timer as my VHO's, but the clip on fan is aimed directly at the surface in my fuge, and moves a lot more air than the computer fans do. Of course this evaporates a lot of water to help cool my tank(1.5-2g/day). Just make sure you aim the fan at the water, and not at your lights and you will definitely see a difference..


thanks guys. I only need to run it down a couple degrees less. And yes i do have a heater. Oh, and Hurt, u probly dont care but i have the same fan on my desk


Active Member
I bought a fan for my sump and it's taken my temp down 2 degrees. I was going to get the two fan unit, but the Drs. didn't have them in stock, so I tried the 4 fan unit and it fits perfect. I also noticed that inside my stand is not near as humid as it was. I just bought another one to put in my canopy for when I get my MHs. Oh, and these fans are VERY quiet.
