Fanged Tooth Eel for 125 Gallon


New Member
New to Salt water
I know very little of the species in salt water
but what species do you think would do good in a 125 if any? want a larger fanged species?

doing leak test on tank now, going to drill tomorrow or friday and mounting the tank on saturday, hopefully have plumbing done next week, then substrate and filter ammonia dosing early July, so it'll probably be fall before i go to purchase but want to figure out species to start planning. I only plan to keep the eel, and any dither (do eel like dither fish when they are small to feel safe?) but with all my past fish, like to plan for a few months.


Well-Known Member
Eels are escape artists. This can not be under stated lol. Not terribly familiar w the fang tooth tho. Most eels when well fed will leave tank mates along. Inverts on the other hand are a dice roll at best. Most love crustaceans, like the snow flake. I would reccomend maybe a harleiquin tusk