Fantailed Filefish ?


Anyone every heard of this? It was in a store in Houston and it was very cool looking. I had to stop myself from purchasing and trying to carry in on the plane home. Would like to know more about them first........

tahoe ocean

Glad you resisted. Before I knew about researching here online, I had an orange spot filefish. He was really neat, but the poor thing starved to death after only a month about 4 years ago. I'll never do that again. It still makes me feel bad to remeber him getting skinnier and skinnier even though he was eating, he wasn't eating the right thing or enough. I wish stores were more reliable with accurate info. But I can't say enough about sites like this for help and research.


I have a Tassled or Leatherjacket Filefish and i love him.
He very shy with people he doesn't recognize, which is one reason why I find him so interesting. He really does know his "mom" :) otherwise, he's right out in front part of tank watching me constantly. He even lets me pet his tassles on top of his head.
He's been very easy to keep. Eats anything and everything I offer and right now, it's about 9:30 p.m., tank lights are off, but room lights are on and I'm watching him pick around for stuff in the rocks. I have never seen him nip at any corals.