FAQ Purchasing Live Rock


Active Member
one more quick question, i know the nitrates are supposed to be as close to 0 as you can have them in a reef tank, but for some reason in my 75 gallon FOWLR tank that has been setup for 2 years it is 0 as well this is a good thing right?


Active Member
almost scared the crap outtta me there when you said not good.. lol ya that tank has a pretty big bioload too, I'm sad because my lionfish is outgrowing the tank :scared: :scared: In there now I have a lionfish, two triggers, and a queen angel, a maroon clown, and a yellow tang. Yes I know these will all outgrow my tank at one time lol. Soon I'm moving the clown into a nanocube. The yellow tang maybe into my reef tank for a bit. And the lionfish and queen angel well I mgiht have to buy another bigger tank for them kinda soon, don't wanna get rid of them, there so cool!!