farewell to mr. mandarin


Active Member
hello all,
Ive had my mandarin since march of this year. He ate prepared foods.
I recently switched him to a 24g because I downsized. He was doing great, and I made lots of little 'nooks' for him.
I had my fuzzy dwarf lion in the nano temporarily until I found it a new home (yesterday)
So I was trying to catch the dwarf and there was a moment when the mandarin and dwarf seemed to 'collide' as the dwarf dodged the net.
i dont know if that is what killed him.
I went to go feed him about 3:30 and he was no where to be found. Actually, I didnt recall seeing him this Am either. I went on a search (and hopefully rescue) mission to find my prized friend.
I found him under a cave like structure. The blood shrimp was sitting right next to him, but not picking at his little body.
he was swollen looking.
Anyway. I dont know if it was coincidence or the poison from the fuzzy dwarf, but he was eating and healthy up until last night when I was fishing out the dwarf.
I loved this fish. I target fed him everyday.... twice. Other than the fuzzy which I had recently gotten, he was the king of the tank.
He will be missed.

This pic was last week when I got my new camera.


Active Member
It is always a loss to lose a great fish. Sorry about the little guy. And yes that was truly a great shot to remember him by........ Keep you chin up!!


I am so sorry for your loss. What a gorgeous little mandarin you had! I know that you will cherish that photo and looking at it will be bittersweet. Poor thing.
If you haven't already submitted this photo for the contest, please do. It is one of the most beautiful pictures I have seen and what a lovely little "tribute" it would be for your beloved mandarin.
Again, I'm sorry for your loss. I know all too well the pain of losing a sweet little fish.



Active Member
sorry for your loss. He was very beautiful. I agree, you should enter it in the contest, Then his picture would be forever on this site.


It's a shame to lose one that will eat prepared foods. I've never been able to keep one alive.
Maybe you can find another great mandarin?


Originally Posted by Shrimpi
alright guys he is in the pic contest!
Vote for mr mandarin!
Thanks for all the e-love

Yay!! Soooo glad that he is in the contest! He definately has my vote!

What a lovely tribute it would be for him if his pic won the contest! I'm crossing my fingers (and toes!) for you!!~