FAST !! anemonie diing!!!


i just looked (hes a seabe anemonie) hes thrwing up this white stuff, nad he is a lil on the yollow side ive had him for 1 week!!! should i take the white stuff out?? what to do!


Active Member
i dont have any experiance with anenomies, but from all the stuff i read, it sounds like it might be its guts?


when was the last time it ate and what have you fed it, what wattage and type of lights is it under? what are your water parameters?


its like a thick white stringy thing floating from his mouth should i pul it off?? kill the anemonie?? what?


i never fed it yet. he is under 80 watts of PC lights in a 44 gal tank. i am gatting VHO lights in a week. wat parameters are all good xept for nitrates there 20


Active Member
you ALWAYS feed anenomies!, the traits r prolly to high, and the lights are WAYY to low, even the vho may not work


Originally Posted by gohome
i never fed it yet. he is under 80 watts of PC lights in a 44 gal tank. i am gatting VHO lights in a week. wat parameters are all good xept for nitrates there 20

get your nitrates down as far as you can, definitly visit the lfs tomarrow and get the nitrates down. it probably wont eat right now. how long have you had it?


1 week what are silversides. i tried to feed him brine shrimp. i placed it in his tentacles but it just foated away.


silversides are dead fish.. in a bag.... frozen. just calm down and get to the fish store as soon as possible tomarrow. you might try a water change if its been awhile.....


yes frozen silversides, and your fish might eat some.....depends on the size of the fish, type, and the size of the silverside you put in. some of mine have been big enough that i cut them up with scissors. your clean up crew will eat whats left.....


Do not pull off the stringy stuff!! You will certainly kill it if it's not on it's way out as it is.
Is your anemone white in color or tan?? If it is tan then it is not dying due to starvation. Anemones take a while to starve. If it is white then it could be from lack of nutricion and if you do not have pretty intense lighting then silversides alone will most likely not help it.
How long have you had it??


Originally Posted by gohome
ive had him for 1 week!!!
there u go Tizzo, says for a week... what type of lighting you have?


dont sound too good though...the only time that has happened to me i lost the anenome..then i read alot of material on anenomes and made sure my water was right.... nitrates are the killer of anenomes, from what ive read....
. ive bought one since then and the week i bought it, it split from one to three, and now its been a few months now and i have three that are the same size as the one i bought in the first place....
. funny to cuz i told the fish store guy what happened and you could see the disappointment on the poor guys face.... haha i got three for one price deal...


Sebaes are almost always not successful as it is... I wish they wouldn't even collect those from the ocean.