The fastest SPS I've ever seen grow is Elkhorn Montipora (not a digi or cap!!! ). This coral has grown like a weed in my tank, and rivals the growth rate of my pulsing Xenia. Here's a pic with it hosting my Yellow Clown Goby. This picture was taken in mid-April, and I'd say that coral is now three times as large (I don't have any current pics unfortunately).
Sweet clown goby Robchuck. I want one, but I'm waiting for SWF to get them.
Attml thanks. I have a pocillopora, it seems to grow slowly for me, thenagain it is being crowded by zoanthids. I will check out the others.
an elkhorn is a digitata isn't it???
also basically most sps grow any species you should get 1/2" to 2" every month........the only species i have had that hasn't gorn that much is pocillopora
In my experience, quick growing corals include A. yongei, A. nobilis, A. millepora, A. prostrata, A. nana, A. valida, P. damicornis, and S. hystrix.
also basically most sps grow any species you should get 1/2" to 2" every month........the only species i have had that hasn't gorn that much is pocillopora
That all depends on the specific coral. Many of my acros grow quickly but my Oregon Tort, Purple Monster and several others grow extremely slow! Maybe a couple of inches per year.
thats why i said most....there are a few that don't grow fast...but overall sps are the fastest growing corals on the reef......also with very bright lighting, good flow, water quality you should get about 1/2 every month or two out of the oregon and the purple monster