fast test alk. instructions help


i have the fasttest alk tester kit with out the instructions and charts. is there a reef brother out there that could help me out. where could i get it or if some one has the sheet, could they send it to me?
thank you


Active Member
I'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark here...I thought I've used that test in the past, and I did find an old box but no instructions...
If memory serves me right, (and it may not, so any elese feel free to correct) that's a "one bottle" take 5ml tank water add to larger test tube and then drip in reagent in counting the drops...
Count ALL the drops...first it will turn BLUE..then as you continue to add drops it will change to CLEAR/YELLOW...
The number of drops you use = meq/l and then you mulitply X 2.8 to get dKh...
It's not an extreamly accurate test, but will get you in the ballpark.
(edit: ) I checked it out with the few drops left in the kit, and those instructions came out very close to my "known" levels...


thanks for your help. you maybe close. but i remember the readings having a decinal reading too. it anyone has the sheet. i would really be greatful.


I have the fasTest Alk and Squidd got it right except for one thing...
(number of drops) / 2 = meq/l
For example... 7 drops = 3.5 meq/l


one more question. do you start counting with the first drop(befor it turns color or how many drops it takes to turn clear.) i bought the test a long time a go, never used it and lost the sheet. if anyone can scran it and email it i would be greatful too. thank you both for helpping me out on this one. really greatful.


You still have the large tube and small measuring tube correct? Fill the small measuring tube to the top with tank water and pour it into the large tube. Now start adding the reagent one drop at a time, swirling after each drop. Start counting from the very first drop. Initial color will be blue. Continue adding drops until it turns yellow-green. It's a pretty distinct color change.
Take total number of drops and divide by 2 to get meq/l. Then take meq/l times 2.8 if you want it in dkh.