Fat Yellow Tang


A buddy of mine has a 180 and all is well except his yellow tang it has just become huge and fat it is only like 5 inches in diameter. What do u think is wrong with him?

yosemite sam

Active Member
It could be constipated. Seriously. A good friend of mine has a FW tank and two fish he had for years all of a sudden started to bloat and died in about a week and a half/two weeks. He said that there was a way to "relieve" them, but that it involved using a syringe to unblock the anus, something that he wasn't really excited to do. To be honest I haven't the slightest idea how to fix them when they are like this.


Define "fat." Yellow tangs shouldn't be paper thin like they tend to be in captivity. Mine is a good 1/2 to 3/4 wide and about 4 inches in height and length.


"Fat Tang". Seems like that might be a lady you wanna stay away from.
Oh, the fish...my bad.


The fish is like an inch wide and about 4.5 inches in diameter. It swims a lot and eats very well. The color though looks like it has blood clots or something like its veins or something are like a brown/red. He has had this fish for about a year.
It could be an infection that has made him bloat, has the tang always been like this or did he appear like that from one day to another?


If it's red around the base of the fins or the anus is red and swollen, it is most likely a bacterial infection. If that is the case, he may need to do a 25% water change and improve the diet (yellow tangs are grazers and should have a food source available at all times - nori, macro algae, etc.) Antibiotics might be required but they shouldn't be administered in the main tank, and I would use them only if the above didn't help.
You may want to post this in the disease forum and see if you get any better feedback on it.