faviort lion fish


All together they will be when grown you might be able to get away with it for awhile but you might want to think about getting a bigger tank down the road or cutting out one of those choices. ---- Bill


Active Member
lionsohmy, actually, you could go with any one of the fish,a nd probably a wolf or snake spotted eel, eels are figured a bit different than other fish, but this would be about it for fish in your tank, i would say a dwarf lion and maybe the snake spotted, would be an interesting combo, or the lunare and wolf would be give some color and you could even make a small reef to add more color and life, you jsut wouldn't be able to add shrimp and such(they'd be an expensive lunch for your fish) but corals should be fine
the wrasse and wolf eel would also only be about 28 inches total(since eels are a bit different than fish, that should be fine) and you may(stress MAY) be able to add another fish if you could find one large enough that would not be bothered by the 2 and aggressive enough too, but this fish would also have to be small enough that he ouwld not be a problem with your system, like maybe a maroon clown , i don't know, maybe someone else could insert 2 sense(if i am missing something), but that does sound like a fairly good and colorful combo to me(just want to add the wrasse last)
edited: what do you guys think?? whipple? anyone??