Favite / moon coral


I would like to get one, but have no idea what to feed. I don't have any corals like them in my tank. I am curious as to what, and how, those that have them, feed them. I can't imagine feeding it silversides, krill etc, like I do all my lps and anemones. I know they have long sweepers at night and need good lights and water, but do they filter feed effectively for good growth, or is additional feeding suggested? I have Bornemans books, but I would like some real experiences as opposed to what I can read. Thanks everyone!

nm reef

Active Member
Mal...several months ago I bought a favia sp....it was rather small...about the size of a golf ball sort of...its been under 4x65 pc & 2x110 vho...never really feed it much directly...I do try to direct feed the liqiud from when I use the turkey baster to feed the other corals( I try to insure that I at least spray it a little)...other than that I dose dt's on the average twice a week.....its closer to softball size now and doing great....at night the sweepers do come out but I've never had much of a problem with it being aggressive...mine currently sits on the sand bed in a medium flow current between a cynarina and a long tentacle plate...hopes yours does well.... :cool:


Thanks for the info, Haven't got one yet...still gathering info. They are really cool though, lot's of different colors, shapes and textures.
Their really not hard to keep as long as you have good lighting. Do you dose your tank with phytoplex or some other source of plankton? A good idea would be to at night when the sweeper tentacles come out, put some brine shrimp in the tank. You really don't have to but they do love it.
favites sp. , an LPS, is mostly a filter feeder and needs to be fed phytoplankton regularly (about 3x/week). It will also eat brine shrimp or other foods its sweepers can get ahold of. About once a week though, I personally stick some brine shrimp on its side to make sure its eating well, and the coral will shrink and consume it rather quickly(for a coral)It is also a hot and agressive coral and should not be placed too close to other corals. It likes med to high lighting and med to high water current. too high of a current will cause it to have longer sweepers. It is an excellent addition to any reef tank and one of my favorite (nopun intended) corals. HTH