favorit fish


hey can you guy/girls put your favorit fish pics or just tell us what your favorit fish is
no pic (not even a tank) but my favorit fish is true percs the best

nm reef

Active Member
My favorites are my coral beauty and manderian dragonette...both are in my lil reef and are doing very well. :cool:


long horned cowfish. closest thing to a dog that you can put in a tank. always happy to see you and wags its tail like crazy as it begs for food.


Gold striped maroon clownfish
Marine betta coomes in a close second only because i only see him during feedings


Active Member
My favorite fish is a hippo tang.
My favorite fish i keep is a sixline wrasse. When i upgrade to a 75 or 90g, i'll get my hippo. :D


New Member
Mine are enginner gobies and rusty angels.
But watch the gobies they will borrow and move your rock around to make nice little holes to hide in.
My favored fish right now is my Oscar... my favorite fish that I dont have yet is a Powder Blue Tang. I also like my loach and turtle. :)


I love my sailfin tang-great markings and he loves to show off when you are close to the tank. I had a powder blue that was beautiful but got too big. For some reason I also love my pink shrimp goby. He is very personable and has a really unique face.


Active Member
My all-time favorite fishes are:
1.) Clown Trigger (Used to have a 12 inch one.)
2.) Porcupine Puffer (Used to have a 14 inch one.)
3.) Queen Angelfish (Used to have a 9 inch one.)
Yes I know, not reef safe. But, I love em. I miss not having them. But I love my reef too. Anyone want to give me another 200 gallon so I can keep both? :D