favorite coral pic


Active Member
graham please tell us that coral in the pic is not what you lost, man i would just have to die that is a great looking coral.


Active Member

Originally posted by m.rogers
graham please tell us that coral in the pic is not what you lost, man i would just have to die that is a great looking coral.

The A. Valida was the coral that I lost. Awhile ago I gave three frags away. Two were given to Ramon (Mrsandman) and one was given to Dave (O2manyfish). Dave's RTN'ed from heat issues, along with his tri colors. Ramon said he lost his frags somewhere in the tank. I'm hoping that his is still alive somewhere in his tank. It's really too bad, as that was a very nice peice.
Take Care,


Active Member
My Lavender Acropora Loripes. My finger was over the flash when I took the pic so it has a bit of a red tint to it but it hasn't been photo edited other than size.


Active Member
ok every one with the sps pics can you please post your address so i know what house to brake in to for the frags mark ( aka attml) i konw where you live.
the frag bandit