favorite fish?

big dave

If I had a large tank hands down the king of fishes is the Harlequin Tusk!! Pretty, not too aggressive, and a fairly moderate price tag for its size. Also, Conspiculossus (sp.) and Clarions Angels are awesome. We just ordered one of both for this guy who has a 30,000 FO tank. For my tank, what I really want is a pair of Bangaii Cardinals. I used to have one but a breeding pair would be cool.

nm reef

Active Member
My favorite(that I have) in this order
1-coral beauty
2-maderian dragonette(psycodelic)...named him Jimi
3-mated pair of perculas
4-red coris wrasse
5-six-line wrasse
6-centropyge acanthops(pygmy angel)
in my systems I do have a few others but these are the ones that are like friends.....*_*
I would have to say I love all our fish and eels but, the one with the most personality, ability to sleep anyware,gets along with everyone, Is my little buddy[VALENTINIE PUFFER]....fixit :D
Absolute fav in my tank..my blue spotted goby. He's a PIG! WIll swim up and grab food from my fingertips, grabs the biggest piece of frozen food there is and sits back down and munches it. Funny guy with this huge chunk of food hanging outta his mouth!
[ October 24, 2001: Message edited by: Moby da Goby ]


Active Member
Congrats on your PB purchase. It's nice to have another PB lover amongst us. I've had mine for 1 1/2 years. They are truly the best. How big is XL? The best of luck with him/her.


my fav is the jawfish. they are so much fun to watch.
my chicks fav is a porc puffer she just adores those things. if she could she would replace me with one