Favorite Fish


Well THAT'S an uncomon favorite, why do you like the cardinal so much? Is it his personality? His coloring? I've never really watched those fish, so I don't know what they're like.


Ok, so very fitting...
I'm setting up a 65 gal. reef (with 7.5 gal fuge and 29 gal sump) and I know I'll have a pair of maroon clowns and 3 lyretail anthias... my questions to the last two posters are, based on your experience, would a fuzzy dwarf lion do OK in that tank or would it be a threat to the cleanup crew If he's no good, I was thinking a pair of banggai cardinals... but would the maroons harass them?
You guys own them, what are their temperments? At least as a rule; I know there are always exceptions.


My favorite fish that got me into this hobby on the Salt side is my Dog Face Puffer, Ipo. I adore that guy. What a button, I love that baby.


Active Member
i have had mine now for about 10 months..... very doscile hasnt touched a thing and i have some smaller fish a clean up crew and lots of corals.... he just swims around perching on things and hes a great addition to my tank.... i wouldnt see a problem having one in your tank.... the only thing i would suggest is put in any inverts in first ie shrimps or crabs of such and then the lion ..... if u add inverts after the lion he might see them as food since hes use to the top being open for feeding time and they fit in his mouth


My favorite fish. He's so entertaining. In this shot he looks like a king or a judge. Behind is my Xenia Colony and in front is a few zoos.


The cardinal is just a cool little fish. He just swims and hovers around the tank all day and night. Eats like a mad man. Plus his face and colors are amazing. He's very peaceful with everything in my tank.