Favorite Fish


I am just wondering what everyones favorite fish for a reef tank is?
I think mine might be my Sixline wrasse. I think for the color and money this is one of the best fish ever for a small reef. Just wonder what everyone else has and maybe I'll get an idea for my next fish.


New Member
About 2 inches in length & will grow to size of it's surroundings .. The hawkfish is very durable & funny as hell to watch , stands on his fins like they are arms , very cool & active fish . I've had a few , & i think the Hawaiian Hawk is visibly the most beautiful of all the hawks. Stay away from puffers if you have corals or brittle starfish


I didnt think hawkfish were really reef safe? I too think they are really interesting fish but I have a coral banded shrimp that I think would be in danger with a hawkfish.

reef bug

Have to agree with the hawk for the coolness factor. They watch TV and follow you around the room. If your coral banded is large, it will probably be OK.
A gold head sleep goby is pretty cool to watch too... Mine is always working, either cleaning the sand or moving things around. You must have sand for him.... In my avatar pic, you can see my GHSG. He looks like he smoking a cigar, but that day he was re-arranging pieces of codium around in the tank. Even the neighbor hood kids stop over all the time specifically to watch him blowing sand from his gills. They love him.
Although, a GHSG is one fish I would not buy sight unseen. I have seen lots of them with belmishes, or messed up colors. You have to watch for a pretty one and snatch him up.


Active Member
I like Pearly Jawfish. They are so funny the way the set up their hole with "curb appeal".


Active Member
Mine are Tangs. The favorite that I have is my Sailfin. It is very alert and active and has a great peacefull personality. Eats from my hand and very reef safe with corals and inverts too.


Swallowtail Angelfish. I have a room divider tank where you can see the reef from both sides. He will follow me when I walk around the tank. ***)


well my perc clowns are have the most personality with us. They are so friendly as well as our cleaner shrimp. Our flame is beautiful and so gracefull. I think they are all beautiful in thier own way.


i really like my little masked goby ive had him for a few years his ony like 1 1/4inch and a little skittish but full of personality he hangs with my pepermint shrimp. also raelly like my perc.

sea slug

I like my regal tang he always got's da' munchies ***)
and my hawiian cleaner wrasse he's always munching on me, it tickles!


Active Member
It used to freak me out when my cleaner nipped at me!! My favorite is maroon clowns, I love the attitude!


Nobody mentioned a lawnmower blenny!
They are like little aquatic puppy-dogs! :joy: Always perching and looking at you, hiding under things and sticking his head out... and if you're looking in the tank and he doesn't think you see him, he pops up and waves his fins.
He also doesn't care how much he annoys the other fish - he'll zip by our damsel so fast while chasing a flake, it'll send him tumbling. (I know, but he ignores the nori and eats the damsel's flakes) He also will eat algae off the backs of the snails and hermit crabs... the hermit crab tries to fight him, but every time he turns his back our blenny comes in and takes another bite!