Favorite Fish


Just wanted to know what's your favorite fish and why. Mine is chubby my clownfish. He really loves me he'll follow me when I walk by the tank, he sticks his head out of the water when I open the lid and I hand feed him.


I enjoy all my fish but my favorite would be my hawaiian Saddle puffer, I can hand feed him too. He is always swimming around the front and loves to show off when people are over.


picasso clown... i do not have any at the moment but i think I will get them after christmas
! i like them b/c of there markings


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Moorish Idol, they are a rewarding challenge.
They are just that, not for everyone, but by no means impossible. I had one 11+ years that would eat anything.Katrina got him. That will probably be my next fish. I know and trust my online source for this fish, will provide the best I can; and won't go on a guilt trip if I lose it. If I can get him acclimated and eating, he should thrive for years. The newer sponge loaded frozen foods should help.
Back to the question; my favorite is an Australian Harlequin Tuskfish.


Active Member
queen angelfish,
about the moorish idol, if u can get them to eat in the home aquarium is it for the most part smooth sailing from there?
just need good water quality and varied diet?


Active Member
Yes srfisher, you are right, they are certainly not for everyone. In the past, I have only offered a few to customers whom I felt were responsible aquarists and who I saw that were up for the challenge. I have a friend with a collectors license in hawaii, so if my vendors are out of stock and I want certain item, I call him and he collects what I need on his next dive and then ships out.


Queen trigger, they are active, bite through heaters and wires, move all of your rock around, you really have to take many precautions with them, but they're hardy and interesting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
queen angelfish,
about the moorish idol, if u can get them to eat in the home aquarium is it for the most part smooth sailing from there?
just need good water quality and varied diet?
My experience is limited to the one I had and what I've read. In addition to pristine water (IMO, a main concern for all fish), they need lots of room, sponge in the diet, several small daily feedings, lots of variety in the diet (meat & veggies) and just need to start eating. That seems to be the hard part. As Jonthefishguy said above; they're collected primarily in Hawaii, a big plus; and they are very common fish there. IMO, a big reason for their high mortality rate is that the local lfs just doesn't let the potential buyer know what he's getting in to. They are not a fish for folks who can't stand to lose a fish; often, they just refuse to eat. I got mine to eat by opening a littleneck clam from the seafood dept at Wal-Mart!If you're considering one, I'd suggest you start a thread and get plenty of feed back. Most people will say "don't"; but, they are great fish if you can meet their requirements.


Sixline wrasse, very active, curous, and loves to eat. The only bad thing is he hates my peppermint shrimp and does not let them eat.