Favorite Hot Sauces!



Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Can you buy these at any good gorcery store or are these specialty hot sauces? Thanx!
I've picked them up at different grocery stores and ordered some others.
I'll have to go through the fridge and see what else is hidin in there


Ya, gotta appreciate "Dave's insanity sauce" when the label warns you from touching small children, pets OR your privates. Ha! Now thats hot


Active Member
Correct me if I am wrong but Doest Daves cut thier mix with carrot juice?
I had a co-worker raving about how insane it really is but then we were playing with it and it was quite tame compared to some of the rediculous ones.
Siracha is indeed a great one for the list. (Squeezy bottle available at most grocery stores in the "Ethnic" section)
Sambal Ole-ek is another fave. (gold foil labeled plastic almost mayo jar shape with the green rooster on it)
Neither one is really CRAZY hot. I like hot, I dont like to go for records or hurt myself with some of the ones out there.
..now mouth is watering for some spice....