favorite trigger


Active Member
my fav trigger is in someone elses tank .I have a niger trigger mean little sucker already sent huma to LFS


How to pick just one?
Golly, that's a tuff one. I love my Pinktail, cause he was the one I chose first. I love his tail color, and how he changes from black to almost white. He had been in tanks before and is more interactive than the other two we have.
The Picasso is so much his own man, can give a s*%t about what the other two are doing. He doesn't take anything from either of the others. He is spunky and just sooo cute.
The Undulated, well, that is my man's, I'm not liking her personality at all. "Spaz" is definitely a fitting name for her. She is psychotic, but her colors are beautiful.
We saw a Queen in the new exhibit from Bass Pro In Springfield, Mo. They have a tank, huge, can't remember how big, like 500,000 gal. or something, but the Queen was about 2 feet long. Gorgeous fish.
The Niger, Blue Line, etc. Their beauty and personalities make it difficult. How do you pick just one?????? :thinking: I can't, don't make me


New Member
I have a Pink Tail Trigger and I like him. My LFS in Salisbury MA has a Queen and she's huge! Eats anything! :)


Like to see all you vote and talk about their triggers. Keep on voting and share more about your trigger tanks.


Trigger stocking issue (while we're here). A restaurant in Sacramento has a tank about 125 gallons stocked with 4 large (good 6 inches long) triggers (pale gray color) and a couple of large boxfish. I thought they did not get along with each other, but these seemed to be fine. Is that ok?