fcatch76 member question for u...

hi i been doing alot of searching online and i had a couple of questions for u, concerning you biocube 29 the same one i have and the lighting upgrade you have chosen for it. the 4.36 upgrade from nanotuners.com befor what were u able to store in your tank high and low in it. and after the up-grade what did u notice and how high and low were u setting coral in there please need help thank u. :)


Active Member
well maybe i can help you out here. i might say something wrong but im pretty sure he will correct me.
i think i get your ?. well when he had the stock lights he pretty much was able to keep any LPS and Softies. high or low. once he upgraded to the 4.36 the corals could still go where ever he pleased. except for the sps. those hes keeping them high since they need high light
hope that help you


Active Member
yep yep! i hope i was able to answer your question? and yes the with the new upgrade the corals come out more!
so the upgrade is worth it? some people told it was waste of money and nothing was going to change unless i went straight for metal halides. but i just need to hear it from the man himself if he said more coral can b added that need more light and it makes the coral i have now even more happier than im sold. thanks nissans u been good help


Active Member
well yea people say with metal halides you can have anything you want. its true but some people rather go with pc and upgrade. so yea let him tell you how his results been with his tank. but if you are planning to keep only LPS (frogspawn, hammer, etc) and softies (zoas, kenya tree, toadstool, etc) then go with this light. but if not upgrade. but those lps and softies will be happy with either or


sorry I wasn't around, PM me next time, it might get my attention quicker. Ok, I will do this as simple as possible, here is why I did not buy halides and did the nanotuner:
Clean look of closed hood
I have three cats
I will soon have a child running around that could throw stuff in open top tank
How hot halides burn
I have a bird we let fly around the house- but he doesn't fly so well..

Cost of halides- both purchase and electrical bill
How much light protrudes out of the sides with halides
did not want an open top
did not want to build a top
Now why I should have bought halides:
.....can't think of one yet.....
...sorry had to do it
Everything that requires a lot of light is only a few inches from top of tank. This requires water changes from DT and sump areas. I do not like exposing the clams to air as it can trap air inside them. I may just be the exception to the rule with keeping clams and sps (and a Mandarin). I have shown growth with all my critters although some say not terrific growth. Hopefully I have answered all your questions and apologize for not getting to you sooner. Nissan saves the day by PM'ing me...what a guy!!!
also, they may have changed the upgrade but use the reflector from the stock to help the lights reflect some light back.
i tried to pm u but im new so i cant, i had to ask niss and thank u niss. i will b making the purchase now...
question what lights have u chosen? like 50/50 and how many or solids and how many?


Active Member
well fish i went to fcatch thread and went through to many pages to find your answer! and here it is! and to believe it was in the first page!

This is from him that he posted in his thread
"Puts 144 watts of light to the tank. I am running:
1- 10k
2- Act.
1- 50/50
The Act. run for 10 hrs and the others are running 8. Keeping the clams higher is really the key. As I know everyone has there own opinion of this clam and PC topic, mine seem to be ok, meaning no bleaching at this time. The wife contributed these to the tank, so its my job to keep them going."
ty nissan but another question now lol since u have 1 10,000K of light and 2 actinic and 1 50/50...
1 actinic 36watt
1 actinic 36watt
1 daylight 36watt
50/50 18watt/18watt
doesnt that put your daylight watts at 54watts? 18watts + 36watts...
or am i completely lost lol.
o one more question since this is 144 watts and the halide is 150watts isnt it the same thing?????? so why is halide soo the best if im putting out the same watts