feather duster acting strange


New Member
:notsure: i am new at this whole saltwater tank thing and i have a question about my feather duster here goes
yesterday my duster was hanging out of its tube very limp and something gooey was comming out of its tube it appeared to be some sort of slim because you could see it floating in the water it was clear sometimes and sometimes it would have a little white in it this morning i woke up to my duster not being there at all i know sometimes the drop their feathers to unhealthy water but mine it good according to my lfs i am not sure if it is dead or it was spawning or what could someone please give me some advice thanks leslie


mine dropped its duster several weeks ago. if you feel the tube sometimes you will feel it move inside. i used an eyedropper and squirted a little phytoplankton into the tube for him to eat since he does not have the duster for filtering. did this every few days. now he has a new crown and is doing well. every once in a while i will notice some slime coming from the tube also. i saw it last night. don't know exactly what it is.


New Member
i found him a few mins ago he was at the bottom behind some lr i thought he was dead but when i picked him up he was moving slowly very slowly do you think he is about to die? his feathers are still attached i buried him in the sand in the front so i could keep an eye on him any advice on what to do?


Active Member
Feather Duster's will shed their crown when they aren't getting enough food. They will usually regenerate a new, smaller one once or twice before dieing. I would feed it more phytoplankton.


Active Member
mine did the same thing yours did, but it was dead. you could tell it was dead, the smell almost knocked me over. check the tube for anything in it and if it smells HORRID then get rid of it.


New Member
mine is out of its tube i buried it in the sand the feathers are perky not curled anymore when i picked it up it was still moving a little it didnt smell horrid on my hands should i get rid of the empty tube? by the way it was next to a moon coral could the feeder fingers that come out at night affected it?