feather duster...dead or alive???


I have 2 feather dusters that "threw" their crowns 3 weeks ago. They still have not grown new ones out. Are they ok???
I did pick one up today and could feel the worm moving, but they have not regrown the crown. Is this normal or should I be worried??
Thanks in advance


Active Member
You can't do anything about it. Just give them more time. The good thing is they are still alive, and they will regrow their crowns.


Active Member
Usually when they discard their crowns that means something is wrong. theya re stressed about something. Is anything picking on them?How is your water quality?


hmm.. how do they eat if they dont have their crowns?
Well that's what I thought. I was worried that they were not eating, but I don't think anything is picking on them. And I will test my water today to see if that's it.


Over time I've had a total of 4 that have lost their crowns and only one grew it back the others died...I don't mean to make its sound grim but their is a reason they did and good luck.
What do you have in the tank with them? My main cause of loosing them was to pep shrimps that tormented them and stressed them out.


That's interesting...about the peppermints.
I have a ClarkII clown, gold stripe maroon, and a small maroon. That's all the fish.
And there is a coral banded, a cleaner, 2 peppermints and serpent star, sand sifting star and assorted crabs and snails. I did not know the peppermints would bother the feather dusters.


Alot of people don't have a problem with them! ANd I've talked to a few who have...but I must of had the jerks out of the population. Watch-em i think their evil