Feather duster,duster cluster, fan worms, multiply like crazy


Currently I have what I call feather dusters all over my tank and LR. I'm not sure if they are actually feather dusters or fan worms or what... About 6 months ago I added LR to the tank. There were only 2 tiny feather dusters on a piece of rock and they have since multiplied and spread all over the other rock, tank walls, substrate, and even a snail had one attached for a while. The brown tubes are about 1/8 inch in diameter and about 1-2 inches in length. The white fans range from 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter.
They were fun to watch for a while (especially when cleaning with the mag-float) but they are getting a little out of hand.
Are these actually feather dusters or somethig else? Any suggestions to control them a little?
I'll try to post some pictures later.


Active Member
Tough to tell without a pic, but they are most likely feather dusters. They are actually good to have in your tank as they will eat stuff that is just floating around in your water column. Do they look anything like these?


Active Member
its a sign of a healthy system and they are beneficial filter feeders.
i was luck enough to get a rock with purple ones that started multiplying
look on the left


They will multiply untill they run out of food and then they will start to die off, hope full they will reach a balance and you will have some survive.


if you want to control the population, some blue leg hermits would take care of them... mine ended up decimating my duster population


Active Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Could these be aspia (sp*)?
Aiptasia's do not live in tubes. They are all one color, usually a reddish brown and are the whole body is soft, no hard tube..