Feather Duster Eggs??? Help


New Member
I put two Hawaiian Dusters in my 100 gal reef tank, When I took a closer look at them later that day I noticed what look like small translucent lime green eggs. They seem to be coming out of "slits" in the tubes. I first thought they were how they reproduce, and after a lot of research found that that was not the case. I have asked at the 4 lfs I go to and the best guess is that another animal layed its eggs there, but if they were eggs I thought I would see something inside them (being they are translucent) sorry for the pic quality.



New Member
That is what I guessed at first but the novice in me couldn't believe an algae could be that perfectly symmetrical. But after looking at the photos thats it. How can I get rid of it without harming my dusters?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chefjoeyp
That is what I guessed at first but the novice in me couldn't believe an algae could be that perfectly symmetrical. But after looking at the photos thats it. How can I get rid of it without harming my dusters?

they should pull of rather easy. try not to pop them in your tank. dont be to ruff but they are rather strong and can take alot of pushing before the bubble will pop.


New Member
I wonder if my lightfooted sally would take care of it. I know my snails have no interest. Maybe you can help with another question. My anemone (Fl Condi) sems to have buried himself in a crevice . he seems healthy and I fed him last night, but i thought thee may be a lighting issue. all levels great, everyone seems happy, the condi just seems shy


Active Member
How long have you had the condi? What kind of lighting do you have? The anemone looks bleached. If you just got it, it probably is being shy. All of mine hid for a few days.